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27 September 2005Aidan Paul AdameWe welcome to life and our family, the newest member of the Adame Clan. Aidan Paul Adame was born at 08:28CDT and weighed 2.01kg at 43.8cm in length with hair from "Sears". ;-) Like his older cousin, Rebecca, Aidan could not wait the generally accepted ≈39 week gestation period. Arriving just under four weeks prematurely and delivered by Caesarian Section, Aidan is presently in the NICU as a precaution. He is otherwise reported to be in good health as is Kristie. Congratulations to Kristie and Mark on the birth of their first child! 19 September 2005EstuaryLive 2005The last Saturday in September has been designated as National Estuaries Day. A two-day virtual field trip is held the Thursday and Friday preceding the official celebration. This event, EstuaryLive, takes place at various estuarine reserves around the nation and is offered as an educational event for students K-12 and beyond. The Grand Bay NERR, along with the Mobile Bay NEP, will be featured in a one hour segment this Friday, 23 September, from 1000-1100CDT. Christopher is scheduled to host a segment from 1041-1050. Educational institutions are encouragged to register and participate. However, the stream is open to anyone with an interest. The A/V stream requires either RealPlayer or WMP and a broadband connection is highly recommended. Details on the various options and procedure are available at this link. Missing the opportunity may not be too problematic. Archives of the event from last year are available. So, this year may be preserved as well. 18 September 20052005 I. E. Andrus ReunionNotice has been received confirming the date for the Fifth Annual Isaac Andrus Family Reunion. The gathering will take place on 08 October at the "Old Home Place" beginning at 0900 and continuing until dispersal usually dusk. More information and the specifics for the event are contained within the post to #kempiCommunity. 16 September 2005Another Node DropsUnhappily, we report the disappearance of another node on our network. A routine check of link integrity reveals that the personal website for Jason and his spouse now returns what amounts to an Error 404 "Page not available", "Content Blocked" and "This Content is Not Available at This Time" all rolled into one offering. Following an inquiry, Jason indicates he will likely procure another domain at some point. We will post an update along those lines as soon as it becomes available. 11 September 2005Turtle Scutes v02 #09The September issue of the community newsletter has been mailed. Check your inbox for your summary of activity in and around the community for the past month. 04 September 2005Jay Returns to UniformAn update concerning Hurricane Katrina and her aftermath, Bertie informed us three days ago that Jay has been called back to uniformed* patrol of the ravaged Louisiana Gulf Coast. His initial assignment was unknown and it was thought he would be sent to LaPlace, but it soon became apparent that he would actually be going to New Orleans in order to assist with the establishment of order in chaos. She shared the following two days ago... "He says he is OK, don't know where he will go today. He said it is so bad and there is nothing they can do. He said the babies are what is getting to him. You want to help so bad, but there is nothing you can do. There are so many and no way out for them. It's such a slow process." ...and this earlier this afternoon... "Jay called last night. He is doing fine. But he is so heartbroken over the children that they can't do anything for. He says that hurts the most. He said they will have to start make some people forcefully leave their homes. He said its the old people that don't have much and they don't want to leave the little they have. He said it is so hot. But they are being fed and have water. He said his clothes are terrible. They talk about maybe getting them some relief Friday and maybe letting them come home for a while." Jacob has been spending quite a bit of time with his grandparents as Annette and the rest of the hospital staff are understandably busy. * Jay has been a Louisiana State Trooper for several years. A few months ago, he was promoted to detective and has been in a suit and tie since that time. continue to the August 2005 archive ⇒ |