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05 December 2005Turtle Scutes v02 #12The final issue of the community newsletter for 2005 has been mailed. Check your inbox for the latest news and information from around the network. 01 December 2005Pennsylvania PilgrimsThe Mineola branch of the Adame Family became the Burlington branch, when, in the days following Jame's graduation from the University of Texas at Tyler, the fledgling family dug up roots and relocated to Pennsylvania. In the four years since then, two planned returns to the Lone Star State have been thwarted primarily by childbirth. Katherine and James will be returning to Texas for the first time since December 2001 to visit with family during the Christmas Break. Along for a nascent Texas experience will be EvaMarie and little James. Several activities and gatherings have been planned during their seven day trip. Visit the website of the Garland May Family for more information and an up-to-date itinerary. continue to the November 2005 archive ⇒ |